We have 23 children in our 3 I Care family homes in Lower Illovo, with their 6 house parents, and 12 children and their 5 house parents at our rehabilitation facility in Kwa Makhuthu.
These children and house parents have been in isolation and lock down since 19 March. Their positive spirit and acceptance to the new normal has been remarkable. We were blessed to have purchased the piece of land next to our houses (the transfer went through the day before lockdown), so this gave the children at the houses some space to play on during isolation / lockdown.
We have 10 older boys at Jump Youth Mission under the care of Valerie and Kevin. These boys are completing their Sakhimpilo Program, incorporating Life Skills and Job Prep skills and will then follow onto a Skills Training course
In all facilities the staff have been such a fine example and inspiration. They have embraced the new NEEMA Phonics and reading program and going ahead in leaps and bounds teaching the children to read and spell. The staff and children are equally thrilled at their progress. We are very blessed to have a retired teacher, Mrs Sheryl Gaines overlook this program with a very experienced, excited and watchful eye.
Education, Art programs, games and chores have kept all busy and happy and we are very glad to say that so far, virus free!